
Appel à communication

comite.gif (1714 octets)


programme.gif (1582 octets)

Concerts.gif (1471 octets)

Ateliers.gif (1445 octets)

articles.gif (1470 octets)

Liens.gif (1338 octets)

Editions précédentes

(cette page en français)

All articles have to be sent to e-mail address :

in Microsoft Word format or PostScript format.

You can also send your articles by standard mail in a A4 format to the following address.

Ecole Nationale de Musique
4 cour du Château
25200 Montbéliard

Articles may contain also keywords and an abstract. Maximum size of articles is 10 pages. Languages can be either French or English (For the final version do not number the pages).

For the very last version, please send also a "pdf" version so that we can put all articles on line and to make them quickly accessible.

Some practical atelier can be installed in the same context.

If you send a project of an atelier, you are asked to send a detail description of the project and a technical document. All technical stuff has to be assured completely or in some parts by concerned persons.


Hotel reservation form(PDF)
How to come

4 cour du Château 25200 Montbéliard - Tél 03 81 99 39 60