3emes journees d'informatique musicale. JIM96
16-18 mai, île de Tatihou, Basse Normandie, France
Conference report.
The third annual 'Journees d'Informatique Musicale JIM96' lasted three days on the
island Tatihou in Normandy. This year's conference was organized by the GREYC of
the University of Caen. The sucesses in both quality and quantity marked a major
advance for JIM.
- large number of participants (between 50 and 90 depending on the type of event:
conferences, installations, concerts)
- 35 papers
- high level of scientific work, as judged by specialists in the various domains.
- two concerts lasting two hours each, six stations for auditioning tapes in parallel
with the conferences, two continuous video instalations, demonstrations of hyper-instruments
and software.
- high quality concerts, including pieces from Grame performed by Jean Pierre Robert,
a piece by Georges Bloch for viola and spatializer, performed by Eckhart Kahle (who
was brought in specially from the United States for the concert), a new choreography
by Anne Garrigues for the SAMI machine, the meta-instrument created by Serge Delaubier,
- internationalisation : although JIM continued to have a majority of French participants,
papers were presented (and the conferences were followed) by participants from the
USA, Great Briton, Italy, Israel, Brasil, etc.
- video recordings were made of the principal events, interviews with important personalities,
including J.C. Risset etc.
- invited guest for the conference was Jean Claude Risset
- 360 pages proceedings of the conference
- World Wide Web version of proceedings of the conference with graphic images and
sonic examples (in the process of realization)
Considering the augmentation in its activities, JIM is on the threshold of becoming
(or has already become) the largest European conference on computers in music.
The unanimous opinion was that this conference was a complete sucess. Especially notable
was the convivial atmosphere and the extremely active and divesified image of computers
and music in France that was presented.
The organizers were Marc Chemillier (GREYC, Caen), Gérard Assayag (IRCAM, Paris),
for the scientific part, and Christian Eloy (INA/GRM, CNR Bordeaux) for the musical
See the Web at http://www.ircam.fr/jim96 for the complete listing of conference, concerts
and installation.